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Privacy Policy

Findout Oil&Gas is committed to complying with laws that protect the privacy of customer and general public data.  This page is designed to provide information about how we are following data protection regulations, what information we collect while you are browsing our communication channels, and how this information is collected, used and protected by us, in accordance with Law no. 13,709/2018 (General Data Protection Law – “LGPD”). The use of our products and services, as well as our platforms, and other means of interaction made available, is subject to acceptance of this Privacy Policy, including with regard to our employees.

  1. Source of Personal Data

Findout Oil&Gas will have access to personal data in the following situations:

  • Through interaction with a customer:   When the Customer provides and inputs personal data necessary for the provision of services and use of products provided by Findout Oil&Gas
  • Interaction with your employees:  When your employees and collaborators of any nature use your systems and platforms to fulfill the duties and obligations arising from the contractual relationship they have.

2. Types of personal data and sensitive personal data collected

Without prejudice to the data commonly collected and processed from its employees for the purposes of the legal relationship they have, Findout Oil&Gas may still collect the following personal data:

  • Names and contact details such as first and last name, email address, postal address, telephone number and other similar types of contact details such as bank details;
  • Device information, such as information about your device, such as IP address, location, or ISP;
  • Usage information and browsing history, such as information about how the User navigates within our services, their browsing history and which elements of Findout Oil&Gas services they use most;

Sensitive personal data that may be collected by Findout Oil&Gas will have its purpose informed separately to the User, who must consent to Findout Oil&Gas using it in a specific way, and in case of disagreement, the data will be automatically deleted from Findout Oil&Gas ' databases.

Findout Oil&Gas does not collect data from minors, except with the authorization of their parents or guardians. If it is collected without authorization, as soon as Findout Oil&Gas becomes aware, it will immediately delete the collected data, in accordance with the rules of the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy. Privacy.

  1. Use of personal data collected

When collected, Findout Oil&Gas will use personal data to:

  • Provide and improve contracted services;
  • Comply with a legal or regulatory obligation;
  • Manage relationships with Users;
  • Configure and manage User accounts;
  • Provide technical assistance, support and training to the User;
  • Contact Users;
  • Internal research and development purposes and to improve, test and refine the features and functions of Findout Oil&Gas services ;
  • Provide Users with marketing, advertising, advertising, including from Findout Oil&Gas Partner companies , as permitted by law;
  • Meet internal and external audit requirements, including Findout Oil&Gas ' information security obligations ;
  • Send messages by email to: a) confirm or cancel requests using the platform; b) communicate future changes that this policy may undergo; and c) disclose updates, changes, inclusions of new data sources and improvements to the platform.
  • To exercise the rights of Findout Oil&Gas , including, but not limited to, the privacy, security, networks, systems and properties of Findout Oil&Gas and/or third parties; 
  • Comply with requests from courts, police authorities, regulatory bodies and other public institutions and government authorities, including, but not limited to, any rules in force outside the user's country of residence;
  • The exercise of Findout Oil&Gas ' rights and to defend itself against possible legal actions, as well as to comply with any legislation or regulation applicable to Findout Oil&Gas or third parties with whom we work, as well as to exercise good compliance with contracts signed between Findout Oil&Gas and its users;
  1. Sharing of personal data with third parties

The User accepts and agrees that Findout Oil&Gas shares their personal data with the following recipient categories:

  • Companies that provide access or are responsible for the registration on which the user is dependent; 
  • Partner companies, such as third-party service providers and other companies that assist us in offering our services or that can take action on our behalf, protecting our rights, users, systems and services;
  • Third parties to whom Findout Oil&Gas owes satisfaction or is authorized to disclose information by law (Example: government bodies, regulatory agencies, judiciary and other public authorities);
  • Third parties in order to participate in the sale, merger, acquisition, restructuring, joint venture, assignment, transfer of part or all of Findout Oil&Gas ' business , in which case the User's data will be considered an asset and transferred in a possible negotiation;
  • Third parties who need the data to protect the rights of Findout Oil&Gas ;
  • Any natural or legal person to whom the User requests the portability of their data. 
  1. International transfer of personal data 

Findout Oil&Gas has no intention of transferring any personal data collected by the User outside of Brazil, provided that if the hypotheses listed below are not met, Users will be informed in advance by email, at which time the user may accept or not the transfer, and in case of disagreement, your access rights may be blocked by Findout Oil&Gas .

The international data transfer described in the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) requires the designation of guidelines to be established by the National Personal Data Protection Authority (ANPD), whereas, when defined, Findout Oil&Gas will undertake to comply them in their entirety.

  1. Protection of personal data

Findout Oil&Gas uses appropriate technologies and procedures to protect any personal data collected (including administrative, technical and physical protections) according to the level of risk and the service provided, having a legally responsible team to deal with the secure management of data accordingly. with legal provisions, regulatory requirements, technology changes, among other relevant factors that may influence the way in which personal data is protected.

Findout Oil&Gas uses all reasonable market efforts to ensure the security of its systems and collected data, using highly qualified and reputable Internet providers and database and storage servers, as well as security certificates (SSL) and security software. protection against unauthorized access to systems, as well as standard methods for encrypting and anonymizing collected data.

This Policy represents Findout Oil&Gas ' efforts to protect User information. However, due to the very nature of the Internet, it is not possible to guarantee that malicious third parties will not succeed in improperly accessing the stored information, which is why, if this occurs, Findout Oil&Gas will be responsible within the limits provided for by Law.

Findout Oil&Gas , within a reasonable period to be defined by the National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”), must communicate to the ANPD and the affected User the occurrence of a security incident that may cause significant risk or damage to the affected User, mentioning, in the Minimum:

  • a description of the nature of the affected personal data;
  • information about the holders involved;
  • an indication of the technical and security measures used to protect data, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
  • the risks related to the incident;
  • the reasons for the delay, if communication was not immediate; It is
  • the measures that have been or will be adopted to reverse or mitigate the effects of the loss.
  1. Data processing and responsibility of Findout Oil&Gas

Findout Oil&Gas will be responsible for processing the following:

  • When dealing with personal data provided directly by its Customers, Findout Oil&Gas will be the Operator, and will act without interference over the form of processing indicated by the Controller, but under the terms of the LGPD;
  • Findout Oil&Gas will be the Controller of the Personal Data of its employees, processing them based on the Execution of Contracts, Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations, and also, in specific and determined situations, Consent. 

Findout Oil&Gas may adopt different legal bases for different processing of personal data.

  1. Personal data processing period

Findout Oil&Gas calculates the retention period for personal data according to the following criteria:

  • Period necessary to fulfill the purpose of collection;
  • The moment the Customer/User stops using Findout Oil&Gas services ;
  • The moment in which consent is revoked or personal data is requested to be deleted by the Holder;
  • The time necessary to demonstrate compliance with Findout Oil&Gas ' duties and obligations ;
  • The necessary period provided for in Law, regulations, court decisions, etc.;
  • Determination of the National Data Protection Authority;
  • Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by the Controller;
  • Perfect execution of the contract;
  • Needs relating to compliance with the legal system, as well as possible legal disputes;
  • Transfer to a third party, as long as the data processing requirements set out by law are respected; or
  • Exclusive use by the controller, access by third parties is prohibited, and as long as the data is anonymized.
  1. User Rights

According to the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, the User will have the following rights regarding the processing of their personal data:

  • Right to Confirmation: the User may confirm whether Findout Oil&Gas processes any of their personal data;
  • Right of Access: the User may make a written request to obtain details of how their information is being used, as well as to have a copy of said information;
  • Right to Correction: the User may correct or remove any data that is incomplete, inaccurate or out of date;
  • Right to Anonymization, blocking or deletion: the User may request the anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or processed data that does not comply with the purposes for which he/she gave consent, observing, for this purpose, other legal rules;
  • Right to Deletion: the User may request the deletion of some data, except those that the law authorizes their conservation;
  • Right to Information: The User may request information from public and private entities with which Findout Oil&Gas shared their data, as well as the consequences if they choose not to consent to the collection and processing of their personal data;
  • Right to Refuse Marketing: The User may, at any time, request to cancel receiving advertisements and other materials through the link provided in the marketing email sent. 
  • Right to Portability: The User may request that their personal data be transferred to themselves or third parties, except those that have already been anonymized and deleted by Findout Oil&Gas .
  • Right to Revoke Consent: The User may cancel any consent previously granted to Findout Oil&Gas to use their personal data. The User is aware that cancellation will not affect the use or sharing of data made prior to the request to revoke consent.

The rights provided for in this chapter are not absolute, and the User must, whenever they wish to exercise them, contact Findout Oil&Gas through the channel: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Findout  Oil&Gas undertakes to respond to such requests as quickly as possible and at no cost to the User, limited to a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) days, counting from receipt of the request, unless a longer period is necessary. to respond due to the complexity, reasons of fact or law, opportunity in which the User will be communicated.

 Findout Oil&Gas will immediately communicate to the processing agents with which it has shared the User's data about the correction, deletion, anonymization or blocking of the data, so that they repeat the same procedure.

Confirmation of the existence of or access to the User's personal data provided for in this chapter will be provided, electronically or expressly, in a simplified format or through a clear and complete statement, which indicates the origin of the data, the lack of registration, the criteria used and the purpose of the processing, always observing the commercial and industrial secrets of Findout Oil&Gas .

  1. Cookies

Findout Oil&Gas and potential partners may use cookies and other similar technologies to store and manage User preferences, offer targeted advertising, enable content and collect analytical and usage data, for example. The use of cookies and other tracking technologies is a standard on websites and platforms, through which information is collected about the User's activities on the platform, websites or other services.

A cookie is a small text file, placed on a computer or other device, used to identify the User, the device used and to collect information and can perform the following functions:

  • Necessary Cookies: are essential to allow the User to navigate a platform and use its resources. 
  • Performance Cookies: they collect information on how the User uses the Findout Oil&Gas platform and serve to improve your browsing and enhance your experience. The information collected includes, for example, internet browsers and operating systems used, the domain name of the previously visited website, the number of visits, the average duration of the visit and the pages viewed.
  • Functional Cookies: they allow the platform to remember choices the User has made (such as their username or ID, language preference or the area or region where the User is) and provide enhanced, more personal features.
  • Advertising Cookies: they track the User's browsing habits and are used to provide targeted advertising. These cookies also limit the number of times you see an advertisement and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They also remember that the User has already visited a website and this information is shared with other organizations, such as advertisers.

Findout Oil&Gas uses necessary and performance cookies. 

At any time, the User may disable Cookies through their browser settings, installing plug-ins available on the market, or using other technologies they deem necessary.

In addition to cookies, Findout Oil&Gas uses other tracking technologies, such as:

Web Server and Platform Logs: Findout Oil&Gas servers automatically collect certain information to assist, administer and protect the services offered, as well as to analyze usage and improve the User experience. Information collected includes:

  • IP address and browser type;
  • Device information, including Unique Device Identifier (UDID), MAC address, Identifier for Advertisers (IFA), and similar identifiers assigned by us or third parties;
  • The device's operating system and other technical data;
  • The city, state and country from which you are accessing the BRASIL RISK platform, including for fraud prevention;
  • Typed information or texts;
  • Links and buttons clicked;

Connections via Social Media: Some of Findout Oil&Gas ' services may include social media functionality, such as Facebook “Like” buttons and widgets; “Share” button and interactive mini-programs.

Findout Oil&Gas may allow the User to choose to use their own social network logins to access some of the services offered, in which case Findout Oil&Gas may receive and store authentication information for these services.

  1. Contact information

Questions, comments, suggestions and/or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, as well as any need for information, alteration or deletion of personal data, may be made by the User directly to Findout Oil&Gas , by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Changes

Findout Oil&Gas seeks constant updates and improvements, so this Privacy Policy may be updated at any time, always aiming to better provide and protect users.

In the event of changes that affect the purpose and duration of the processing of the User's personal data, the User will be informed via the email registered in our services or through the platform itself 30 (thirty) days in advance. If there is disagreement with the changes, the User may revoke the consent provided, being unable to use Findout Oil&Gas services .

If in the future Findout Oil&Gas changes its policy aimed at sharing data with third parties, it will send a communication 30 (thirty) days in advance to the user via the registered email, who may disagree with the sharing, at which time which will continue to use Findout Oil&Gas services .

The User is advised to periodically read this policy to remain up to date with its content.

  1. Legislation and forum

This Policy will be governed, interpreted and executed in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, regardless of the conflicts of these laws with the laws of other states or countries, with the Forum of São Paulo being competent to resolve any doubts arising from this instrument, with waiver anyone else, no matter how privileged they may be.

All rights reserved.


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  • Rio de Janeiro - RJ

  • ZIP CODE: 22631-390

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